This book by Dr. Jasbir Singh Sarna is an attempt to immortalize the names of prominent Pakistani writers who have kept the flame of Punjabi literature alive transcending confines of all narrow boundaries. The contemporary writers still strive to retain the legacy of veterans including Baba Farid, Waris Shah, Shah Hussain, Bulleh Shah, Sultan Bahu, Qadar Yar, Mian Muhammad Bakhsh and many others whose literary works are widely appreciated by people since times immemorial for they delve into cultural diversity of their own epochs in their unique ways and continue to inspire people till date with their thought-provoking ideas. Their literary works are not only masterpieces in terms of their linguistic excellence but their underlying philosophy deeply explores numerous mystical issues and delves into the intent, purpose and meaning of human life.
Prominent Punjabi Writers of Pakistan by Dr. Jasbir Singh Sarna
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Sant and Singh Publishers
Publication Date: 2024