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Three Shades of Green by Pramod Kumar

For the first time, a year-long Farmers’ Protest in the post- liberalization phase questioned the economic reforms agenda. The main thrust was that the State was leveraging public resources for private profit and giving impetus to ill-founded and unsustainable development under the banner of the ‘Second Green Revolution.’ The Three Farm Acts were seen as having a direct impact on the farmers’ livelihood, the food security of the people living on the margins, and the country’s food sovereignty. The protest was unique in many ways as it was a conglomerate of 32 ideologically competing organizations and a broad-based engagement of people from different socio-economic and religious backgrounds. The movement stimulated the creative impulse of Punjabi society with a large number of singers and artists who passionately voiced more than a hundred verses to shape a discourse of anti-centrism.

Three Shades of Green by Pramod Kumar

£25.99 Regular Price
£13.00Sale Price
  • Format: Hardback

    Publisher: Aakar

    Publication Date: 2023

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